lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

The end

Anne's tells us about all her feelings and that she believes that people are good. In August of 1944 was Anne's last entry and she had a lot of mixed feelings until that day. She also realizes that she has two sides. A side that everyone sees and a side that only she sees. Then they took her to the concentration camp. 

"Sympathy, Love, Fortune... We all have these qualities but still tend to not use them."

This is so true, most people now days don't care about love and love is very important in life. I think that love make families and your family makes you really happy. People have a weird image of love and it's not how it was before, people don't write letter anymore, they text. We should start seeing things in life more clearly and realize what is more important. And she is right we don't use this qualities.

"I've reached the point where I hardly care whether I live or die. The world will keep on turning without me, I can't do anything to change events anyway."

This is so sad because actually she is really important for some people. But she is right in someway she can't change some events. But I think is really sad that she thinks that way. The world will keep running without her but she makes happy a lot of people. I have felt like this sometimes and is the worst.

So the book finished. This is so sad like all the story but it shows how strong Anne is and all her family too. This book taught me a lot of lessons and how to see the bright side in life even when you had a bad day or something because it's not the end. She is one of the most interesting and strong people I had ever read about. Anne frank is really a role model and So thankful and that is what it counts. 


On these last chapters Anne and Peter started liking each other more everyday. Peter's mother is jealous because Peter doesn't tell her things and he tells Anne instead. Anne is a little worried about the kiss with Peter she thinks she should not have kiss him instead. The guy who brought food was caught by the police and it was awful. It was Anne's birthday so know she is 15. 

"I think a lot but I don't say much." 

A feel connected to this quote because sometimes I think things but I don't say them out loud. I am a little bit like Anne and I think that my ideas may be wrong so most of the time I don't share them. Thinking is good because you are gaining knowledge for yourself but also you should share your feelings also so you can feel better. But they say that the wisest people are the one who don't talk a lot. Anne is a really understandable girl.

"As long as this exists, this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?"

This quote is so meaningful. This shows that you don't need nothing worth money to be happy. You can be happy just by seeing the sun rise or just lay down in your yard and see the clouds. Anne is going through a really difficult time but she is happy just by watching the clouds or the sun. We really aren't people that appreciate what's outside because of the technology and that stuff.

So we are finally getting to the end of the book. I am very sad that it is finishing and because I am imagining the ending. This book has taught me a lot of different things and how meaaningful life is. I am very happy that I chose this book because I think that sometimes ou needd a little reminder that your life isn't as bad as it seems. Just laugh at life.


On her diary Anne writes a lot about her feelings and that she feels lonely and that kind of stuff. Anne doesn't really understand why all the Jews are going through all this and why people are killing them and things like that. She spend two years there and it was a really weird thing to live because of the age she was going through. She put all the rules for the Jews which include the following, "Jews must wear a yellow star to identify them from others", "Jews must hand in their bicycles which will be given to soldiers and policemen", "Jews must not travel by train and are forbidden to drive" etc. At the end of this chapters Anne received her first kiss. 

"People can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but that doesn't stop you from having your own opinion."

Everyone's opinion is so important. No matter if you are 5 or 40 your opinion is the most important thing. People who don't want to listen are just people who think they are always right and they think it's just their self in the world. Opinion make the world and also wars but without opinion we wouldn't have anything. So Anne should start expressing herself. 

"Whoever is happy will make others happy."

This quotes is so true. If you are happy and you are like surrounding sad people you can make them happy just because they feel it in the air. Happiness is the most important thing so is so nice to make other happy. If you are always smiling people around you will be like oh watch him he is always smiling so why not? And they will smile and everything will be nice.  

Anne has a really good expectation of life even if she doesn't is in a good spot right now. She could be a really successful women and I think she would help people a lot. She pass people good vibes even when people aren't in a good mood and that makes her who she is, a happy 13 year old girl. Anne is someone to look up to she is so smart. And this book has though me a lot of things so far. 

Mind full of ideas

Anne and her family moved to the Netherlands to escape from the persecution in Germany. Because of that Anne's family needed to hide somewhere so they hide with the van Daans which was another Jew family and a friend called Mr. Dussel. They hide in a secret annex that was in Anne's father office and they had enough food and drinks, Otto's Anne's father employees help them hide and they brought them the food and news from what was happening in the outside world. Anne didn't felt close to her sister Margot at all. Eventually Anne became friends with Peter van Daan a teenage boy who also was in the annex. 

"It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."

I can see that Anne is an open minded girl. But also she is quite shy, maybe her ideas are really goo but she isn't very self conscious. I think that is sad that she thinks that all her ideas are impossible to make. I think that she has a huge hard and is so intelligent saying that people are really good at heart. She has everything straight and that is really good. 

"I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that stills remains." 

Anne is so intelligent and she found a good side to everything. I think that part of this quote she is thinking of the people who weren't Jew and where doing all this stuff. She always sees the bright side of people and that is very smart. She is really open minded and she wants to learn a lot of things and also she sees the good thing of life every day. She has a lot of ideas that she doesn't want to share and I think she should share them.

This chapters were very interesting and I got to see Anne's perspective a little bit better. She is a really bright minded girl who always tries to see the good things in life no matter what the situation is. Also reading all this and analyzing y think that something is going on between Anne and Peter and something is going to happen in the next chapters. Anne is a very smart girl but she isn't so self conscious. She is so intelligent that I am really surprised.

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

It all began with a diary

Anne was a 13 year old Jew girl who went through a lot in one year. On Anne's 13 birthday her parents gave her a diary, and she was very excited because she now had something to count on. She felt that no one understood her even though she had a lot of friends she felt that she needed someone or something to tell all her secrets and things to. But in a month everything took the wrong path, they called her sister Margot to appear in front of the authorities, that's when Anne's family realize that they have to hide somewhere. All the family moved to a secret thing that it was behind a book case. 

"I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support". 

This was one of the first things Anne writes on her diary which she named kitty. She was very happy because for the first time she had "someone" to count on, and to write and express herself. She felt that nobody really like understood her and she felt that she didn't had a confidant. Anne may have friends but she isn't really open to them about specific things. I things that this diary will help Anne with all her problems and to letting out things that she can't tel people, or just don't feel safe telling. 

"I'll begin from the moment I got you, the moment I saw you lying on the table among my other birthday presents. (I went along when you were bought, but that doesn't count).

I think that a diary is a really good way to express yourself without really talking and I think this will help Anne a lot. It seems she was very happy to receive it because you can assume that if you read what she wrote. This is a great source of showing people now days how was life in the World War ll. Every person needs a little bit of time to her or himself and a diary is a great way of telling your feelings but not exactly.

So far I am liking this book a lot and I think that this will teach me a lot of lessons in life. I am looking forward to finishing this book and realizing how wonderful is life. So far I've seen that Anne is a really nice girl who has a lot of friends but she can't tell them a lot of things just because she doesn't feel comfortable. I know that I am going to love this book because I like learning about other cultures and other peoples life's. I think that in the next chapters they are going to start living a bit of a different life. 

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Flipped Again

In Juli's and Bryce's school they were doing a beading to earn money for school and another girl bead for Bryce, but Bryce was a little upseat that  Juli didn't bead for him. Bryce asked Juli if she wanted to talk and he tried to kiss her and Juli was so upseat and she just went home and she didn't wanted to talk to Bryce. One day Juli looked out at the window and she saw Bryce, he was digging a hole on her front yard. She asked her father why was he doing that, then he was gone and  he came back with a Sycamore tree. Then they realized they were meant to be with each other.

"I looked at him-into those brilliant blue eyes. And I tried to do what chet had said- I tried to look past them. What was behind them? What was he thinking? Was he really sorry? Or was he just feeling bad about the things he'd said?"

Juli is doing what Chet Bryce's granddad told her to. She doesn't really know what to believe. One lesson this book though me is to get your thoughts straight because if you change your mind very two seconds no one is going to know what is happening and they won't believe you when you tell them the truth because you told them another thing two seconds ago. By the other side I think that Bryce is realizing that h feels something for Julianna and that he really is sorry. So I think that he is already in love with Juli. 

"I didn't really need to ask, though, and he knew he didn't need to answer. I coulld tell from the shape of the leaves, from the texture pf the trunk. This was a sycamore tree."

I think that one of the best parts of the book was this one. I think that Bryce did a really great gesture going to Juli's place and buying a sycamore tree just because she loved sycamore trees. He took the time to do all that and there is when you know that in the end he fall in love with her. After everything they ended up together after 7 years he finally realized tha Julianna is an awesome girl. And also I'm so happy thet Julianna like forgive him because deep down she stills love him.

This was definitly one of my favorite books ever. If I would have to read it again I would and I won't regret it. It thought me a lot of things and I also thought a lot with this book and it made me realize some things. I love things about love and this was so awesome and I understand it very well. In conclusion if you haven't read this already go and buy this book and read it because you won't regret.

The Iridescent

Juli's father had a "retarded" brother and it was his birthday so Juli's dad and Juli want to see him. His name was David and he really loved puzzles so for his birthday they got one and they also went to get some ice cream. David's ice cream fall and he started having like a pnic attack because he was very upseat about his ice cream. Julianna vas very happy that she went to meet uncle Daniel and her mother thought that too. The when they arrived home Juli's mother told them that the Loski'is invited them to dinner on friday night.

"This is not the way you want to feel about your father. When I was little, I'd always thought that my dad was right about everything and that there wasn't a man on earth he couldn't take. But standing there looking in, I realized that Mr. Baker could squish him like a bug."

I want to like put some ideas on this quote. First I want to say that no matter if you have money or not some people will treat you okay if you treat them okay, maybe others only care if you have money but true people will see how you are inside, The Bakers don't have as much money as the Loski's do I think but Bryce talk about his own father the way he did because he realized how better Mr. Baker treat others and how he accept them. Mr. Loski has different opinions as we all do but he doesn't respet others. I can connect with this quote because I think that everyone wants to feel happy and proud about his or her dad but that's not how Bryce feels. 

"My friend, I didn't even know what perpetual motion was. They were talking closed systems, open systems, resistance, energy source, magnetism... it was like joining a discussion in a different language. And Juli, Juli was saying stuff like, "Well, what if you put the magnets back to back - reversed the polarity?" like she really understood what they were talking about. Then my granddad and her dad would explain why her idea wouldn't work, but all that did was make Juli ask another question."

Juli has a lot of knowledge. She talks to grown people about stuff that is really like weird for others and that grown people has a lot of knowledge. Juli is so inteligent and I think that is so interesting and importnt because sometimes you think so clearly that you can give your opinions and people will say like wow she is so intelligent and she has her thoughts clear so why won't we listen to her. Also even though she wasn't right on something she asked and I feel that is also really important. I can see that Bryce is like appreciating her.

This chapter was very interesting and it teach me a very good lesson. I think that you don't have to have an specific age to know things or to give your opinion. So far this book is giving me a lot to think on and to realize. I think that Bryce and Julianna should be together because they are just like perfect together and I think they will be perfect for easch other. Soon I will finish the book and I am so happy.

Gone Eggs

Julianna started growing chickens for the science fair of school so the chickens started producing eggs. Every week Juli went to Bryce's house and she gave him eggs, but Bryce's father was worried because he though that those eggs could have Salmonella. Bryce didn't wanted to hurt Juli's feelings so every morning that Juli went and leave the eggs at Bryce's house he throw them to the garbage. Until one day Juli realized that Bryce was throwing the eggs to the garbage, she was really upset because every person who wanted eggs they will pay her, but she gave them free to Bryce and she loose a lot of money. I think that is better a truth that hurts than a lie that gives you high expectations.

"I used to really like eggs. Especially scrambled, with bacon or sausage. But even without the little snake incident, I knew that no matter what you did to these eggs, they would taste nothing but foul to me. These eggs came from the chickens that had been the chicks that had hatched from the eggs that had been incubated by Juli Bker for our fifth-grade science fair."

I found so offensive that Bryce didn't accept Juli's eggs just because something he thought. It seems he really loves eggs so before of thinking things you should ask and be sure what are you saying. Juli has a lot of imagination and in my opinion Inner Strenght because grow chickens it most be so difficult. I can't imagine how Juli felt when she saw her eggs in the garbage, but I think she felt awful.  I reallt think Juli is an awesome girl and has a nice heart. 

"Bryce, I asked you to conquer your fear, but all you did was give in to it. If you were in love with her, that would be one thing. Love is something to be afraid of, but this, this is embarrassing. So she talks too much, so she's too enthused about every little thing, so what? Get in, get your question answered, and get out. Stand up to her, for cryin' out loud!"

I think thar Bryce's father should help him a little more because he is at an age which all this love is difficult and you don't really know what to do. I think that Bryce is under a lot of preasure because I do think that he feels something for Juli but his father like hates the Bakers so he doesn't want to get his father's expectations down. I think that his father is trying to get him away of his feelings by telling him things. Bryce first was like no Juli live me alone and now he likes Juli and that is a good think to pay attention too, you should always treat everyone okay because you don't know how it might end. So pay attention how are you treating people.

In conclusion I think that this chapter really gives you something to think on. If Bryce didn't threw does eggs and asked Juli his questions everyone would have ended okay. I think that in the next chapters they will fix everything but I also think that there will always be something there for what Bryce did. So far I'm loving this book and I think it was a good book to chose. And aI look forward to finishing it.

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015

the turn over

Bryce had a really big turn over when his grandparent went to live with him. Julianna was a little bit obssesed with a Sycamore tree, every morning she will climb on the tree and see how far the bus was. Sudeendly the owner of the place where the tree was decided that he wanted to contruct something there and that was really heartbreaking for Juliann because the tree was like his best friend. Juli didn't take the bus for a really long time and Bryce started noticing and he was like "worried" for her but he didn't wanted to show her that he cared for her. That tree was like Juli's happy place that's why she was so sad about it.

"This was the beginning of my soon-to-become-acute awareness that the girl cannot take a hint. Of any kind. Does she zip on home like a kid should when they´ve been invited to leave? No. She says, "Oh, my mom knows where I am. She said it was fine."

Juliana is a really extroverted girl she likes to be into everything. If you look at the quote you can see that Juliana is a girl that likes to get like attention. Bryce was pretty sure that Juliana was going to be big trouble since the day he meet her or well the day she invade his truck. Juli is like a really hiper girl and if you look at the quote you can see that Juli´s mom is also okay with Juli going to other people houses and visiting new neighbors. Juliana just saw Bryce and she was like wow and I think that, that´s why she feels so comfortable around him.

"Mom puts her arm around me and says, "Bryce, honey, why don´t you show Julianna around the house

I can imagine how Bryce was the second his mom told him that. I pictured that he was like very ashamed because I think he realized that Juli had a little crush on him and his mom is telling him to go in and show her the house. Bryce's mother is a really nice person not like his dad because his dad is like Juli is bad, not like that but his expressions aren't good. Also I think that Juli was happy because Bryce's mom like showed interest in her and she feels wanted there. I hope Bryce's mother makes him realize that he has some kind of feelings for Juli.

In clonclusion i think that Bryce should show Juli that he cares because that will make her happy and I think that is really good to make another soul happy. In the next chapters I think that Bryce will tell Juli something nice or ask her how is she doing after they cuted her favorite tree. I like that Juli is like a really simple girls and she works things out quickly. Bryce right now from my point of view feels like he is the biggest Coca - Cola in the world just because Juli likes him and he doesn't wants to show that he likes her too. This where really interesting chapters but I would want that Bryce tells Juli that he likea her. 

Flipped Again

Bryce Loski is a new boy in town and by his luck his neighbor is Julianna Baker. Julianna is a really extroverted girl, she likes to be in everything, so the first day Bryce arrive to town she went and got inside the moving truck of Bryce and she started moving boxes and she just wanted to help. From the second Julianna got into the truck. They accidentaly hold hands, for Juli was the best moment ever but for Bryce was the beginning of something that he wont like. And that was how everything was Flipped.

"All I've ever wanted is for Juli Baker to leave me alone. For her to back off - you know, just give me some space." (8)

Bryce never was a fan of the crush Juli had for him. Julianna is that typical kinnd of girl that like if she wants something she will do anything to get it. Bryce was really streassed out because Juli started stalking him and he just wanted to be alone. AJuli had a crush for him for like seven years and I think that's what Bryce is trying to express in that quote, that she never left him alone and that was all he wanted.I think that it will be very difficult going with my crush to school but also leaving next to him.

"The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. Honestly, one look at him and I became a lunatic. It's his eyes. Something in his eyes. They're blue, and framed in the blackness of his lashes, they're dazzling. Absolutely breathtaking."
On the other side there is Julianna literally watching every thing about Bryce and she just like want to be his friend and that's all. Even though she is like seven years old she is literally deeply in love with Bryce and I find that very cute. I fell a connection because I'm exactly like that  when I see my crush so I found that really funny. Juli liked Bryce from the first time she saw him or that is what it seems. Juli is so nice and I really think Bryce should appreciate her and treat her good.

I think that in the next chapters they will like go to school and see eachother and that kinf of stuff. I really wish that in the next chapters Bryce will treat Julianna good and just be nice to her. This was a very good beggining because it showed both Juli's and Bryce's point of view. Is so interesting that it makes me want to keep reading. I know this will teach me a really good message and also entretain me.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015

New Beginning

New Beginning

Q and his friends realized that there were more clued so they went with the wish of finding Margo. All the food they take were energizing bars so they were very tired and they spend like twelve hours in the car so they were very tired. They drove day and night just to find Margo. On the hour 24 they finally found Margo. They were very happy because they finally founf Margo but she decided to stay in there because she was tired of the paper town and all the paper people and the paper stuff.

"She tries to turn away from me, but I grab her shoulders and hold her in front on me and say, "Did you ever think about what your leaving meant? About Ruthie? About me or Lacey or any of other people who cared about you? No. Of course you didn't. Because if it doesn't happen to you. it doen't happen at all. Isn't that it, Margo? Isn't?"" (373)

I really find that Q freaked out here because he thinks Margo is just thinking in her. I understand that Q is like this because he did all that was posible so he can just find Margo even though they weren't anything not even related. I don't really think that Margo was selfish when she left because she felt
like she wasn't being part of that world. Q is a really brave man after everything he did for Margo he deserves someone who will treat him well. I do relate to this Qoute because sometime I feel like I'm being selfish.

"I think the future deserves our faith. But it is hard to argue with Emily Dickinson. Margo stands up, slings her backpack over one shoulder, and reaches her hand down for me. "Let's take a walk." as we're walking outside, Margo asks for my phone. She punches in a number, and I start to walk away to let her talk, but she grabs my forearm and keeps me with her. So I walk before her out into the field as she talks to her parents." (388)

First of all I found very nice that Margo called her parents. I love how she is there with Q and she like takes him with her and all that stuff. She takes Q's hand and I think he would be really happy because after all he did for her she is treating her really well so I like that. I honestly think they would be the perfect couple of all times. Q is the cutest guy ever.

I loved this book so much, it's like the best book i've read. I loved everything about it and I would read it again without thinking twice. Everything is well structured and I love that. The characters are awesome and I feel like I'm in the book. 

Looking for answers

Looking for answers

Q and his friends went to find Margo and they arrived to an address that Margo left. There was a building, they said that the building smelled really bad, like death and they thought Margo was dead, they thought the paper she left was a suicide note. They found more clues so they had more ideas on where she could be. They arrived to an office and Q started searching in every desk in that office trying to find something but he didn't. Q sarted realizing who Margo felt when she wasn't doing what she wants and he realized that she felt empty.

"But hadn't I been trying to do this? I looked up at the maps above my computer. I had tried to plot her posible travels, but just as the grass stood for too much, so Margo stood for too much. It seemed impossible to pin her down with maps. She was too small and the space covered by the maps too big. They were more than a waste of time- they were the physical representation of the total fruitlessness of all of it, my absolute inability to develop the kinds of palms that cover continents, to have the kind of mind the correctly imagines. " (285)

I think that Quentin is has really high expectations about finding Margo. But also he has tried everyway and she just is not going to appear. He is so worried about Margo and you can tell that just by the way he expresess. I think that Q is really worried about Margo because he has feelings for her. It's so nice of him looking for her and doing all this just to find her.

"There were two unripped dots: one looked like Los Angeles, although there were a bunch of towns clustered so close together in Shouthern California that the type overlapped. The other unripped was over Chicago. There was a ripped one in New York that, judging from the location of the hole in the wall, was one of the five boroughs of New York City." (290)

Quentin is looking at every possibility to find her or at least that's my point of view. He is looking and analyzing everything that he can just for Margo and I find that is very cute that he is doing that. Margo could be anywere in the world right now but he is keeping faith and I find that very cute. I honestly don't think I would to that  for someone, maybe for the one I love but I don't really know. Q would be a really nice boyfriend and I think he would help Margo with everything.

In conclution I really liked this chapter. It shows how much Q worries about Margo and how faithful he is about founding her. I think that in the next chapters they are going to fin Margo and they will be very happy especially Q. I'm loving this book so far and I think it will be one of my favorites. Even though the chapters are long they are very interesting so you won't get bored. I'm looking forward to finish this book and I'm almost there.

martes, 25 de agosto de 2015



On the previous chapters of Paper Towns Margo's parents called a detective to see if he can find Margo but she's already 18 so they can't do anything about it, Margo's parents and the detective went to Q's house to see if he knew were Margo was or if he knew something. Q saw that in the back of the curtain was a poster and he remembered that Margo's parents told them that sometimes she leave clues so Q Ben and Radar went to Margo's house to investigate. They went to Margo's house and they thought that it was another clue on the door so they brought tools so they can disarm the door and see if it's something there. Q thpught it was a good idea to disarm his door to see if he found something, so he went to the garage to get tools and he actually found a paper with an adress on it.

""Clues," Mr. Spiegelman said, standing up now. The detective had placed the flolder on the table, and Margo's dad leaned forward to look at it with him. "Clues everywere. The day she ran away to Mississipi, she ate alphabet soup and left exactly four letters in her soup bowl: an M, an I, an S, and a P. She was disappointed when we didn't piece it together, although as I told her when she finally returned: "How can we find you when all we know is Mississipi? It"s a big state Margo!"" (135)

One thing that I really don't understand is why Margo's parents aren't worried about Margo. I understand that she has runed away plenty of times but they are her parents and most of the time parents care about their children. They are just like okay she runed away she's already eighteen she
can do whatever she wants but what is she's been in an accident or something, I really find this very pointless. Something that I find that was nice of them was that they realized when Margo left those clues even though they didn't basically found out what it was they now know that she leaves clues. I think that they don't pay much attention to Margo so she runs away often.

"I showered and brushed my teeth and put on dark jeans and a plain black T-shirt. I put Margo's scrap of newspaper in my pocket. I hammered the pins back into their hinges, and then packed. I didn't really know what to throw into my backpack, but I included the doorjamb-opening screwdriver, a printout of the satellite map, directions. a bottle of water, and in case she was there, the Whitman. I wanted to ask her about it." (181)

Something that I found that was really sweet was that Q went to find Margo. He like did't had any reasons to go but he did anyway. He is really brave going to look for Margo because he really doesn't
know where she is or if she is in a dangerous place. He shows that he really cares about Margo and that someday they could be something. Also that he is ditching school so he can go find her.

I think that in the next chapters they aren't going to find Margo. Maybe this time she really has runed away for good, she's already eighteen so basically she didn't run away but she already left and she want to live on a different place that is not a paper town. I still find very nice that Q is going to look for her even though he doesn't know the dangers that can be there. I think that I would do the same as Margo did if my parents treated me the way Margo's parents treat her. And I really admire Q and his friends for doing what they are doing. 

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

The Missing

The Missing

In the previous chapters they entered to sea world and they got into a moat and a garter snake bite Margo's leg. Security came and they kicked them out. They went home at 5:55 and Q went to sleep. That day Q thought that he would see Margo at school and that he would talk to her but Margo wasn't at school that day. When Q went home he saw that Margo's car wasn't there either.

"I cared too much about a day of school. And who even knew if it would be just a day for Margo. Maybe she was off on another three-day jaunt to Mississipi, or temporary joining the circus. But it wasn't either of those, of course. It was something I couldn't imagine, that I would never imagine, because I couldn't be Margo." (122)

I can see that Q is thinking a lot about what happened the night before. He is very worried about why Margo didn't went to school that day and why her car ins't home either. I think because of what I read that he would want to be with Margo right now no matter where she is. Q is thinking a lot of Margo and I think he is in love with her. He is just thinking over and over again where she could be and everything that happened. 

"That night, I lay on my side, starring out the window into the invisible world outside. I kept trying to fall asleep, but then my eyes would dart open,just to check. I couldn't help but hope that MargoRoth Spiegelman would return to my window and drag my tired ass through one more night I'd never forget." (123)

Q is really open minded so he think that Margo is going to go to his home again and take him on another adventure even though he doesn't even know where she is. I know that when something good happens you're like yes this is going to happen again and you get like really high expectations. And like I always have high expectations so I can relate a lot. Everything is very detailed so I understand
it better, I also feel like I'm in the book when the author writes with a lot of details. It's clearly a night that he'll never forget because he said it there but also the way he is talking is very convincing.

In conclution I think that Q thinks that know he is like best friends with Margo now. I think that Margo is gone and that she is not coming back. I'm really enojing this book because it has like a lot of suspense and a lot of adventures. It's so interesting reading a book that you actually like, because you can also feel like you're part of the story. I like a lot how the writer writes the story and I also I am liking every chapter of the book.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

Were it all begins

Were it all begings

In the previews chapters of papertowns Margo found out that his boyfiend Jase was cheating on her with one of her best friends. Margo went to Quentins house and she told him that she needed his car because she had some things to do. So Margo took out a list of things that they had to buy before they went on the adventure. They went to the houses of the people that Margo was upset with and do a lot of stuff with all the things they bought before. At the end of the chapters they were at the last floor of a building seeing all the city likeit was made of paper that's why Margo called it a paper town.
"Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting." (43).

 I really liked this quote I found that it was very well structured. I think that is also a bit confusing but after reading it right you understand it. I also feel that with this one day I would like to do like it says there right a lot of wrongs and wrong a lot of rights. It's very interesting to see how the author played with the words but he also made it very easy to understand. 

"It's a paper town. I mean look at it, Q: look at all those cul-de-sacs, those streets that turn in on themselves, all the houses that were built to fall apart. All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm. All the paper kids drinking beer some bum bought for them at the paper conveniece store. Everyone demented with the mania of owning things. All the things paper-thin and paper-frail. And all the people, too. I've lived here for eighteen years and i have never once in my life come across anyone who cares about anything that matters." (79)

I think this is my favorite quote of all times, that I have read and analyzed. I think that is very true how now this days people care more about what brand of clothing you use or how big is your house instead of how nice of a person you are. People also worry about things that don't really matter instead of things that do matter. Or people are with people just because of popularity but you should
really stop worrying about pointless things and pointless drama and go find your true bff someone who you can be yourself with and don't worry because you'll know she will never talk bad about you behind your back. So yeah some people should really get a brain wash and face the real world.

So far I'm really liking this book it's very interesting to see on how many adventures they are going in the future. I'm enjoying it and i think that is very important that you enjoy the book you are reading because it will be more fun and you actually want to read it. Margo is an open minded girl and I like that. One of the most interesting things is that is all about adventure and I love that. I'm looking forward to finishing the book.