jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

The Missing

The Missing

In the previous chapters they entered to sea world and they got into a moat and a garter snake bite Margo's leg. Security came and they kicked them out. They went home at 5:55 and Q went to sleep. That day Q thought that he would see Margo at school and that he would talk to her but Margo wasn't at school that day. When Q went home he saw that Margo's car wasn't there either.

"I cared too much about a day of school. And who even knew if it would be just a day for Margo. Maybe she was off on another three-day jaunt to Mississipi, or temporary joining the circus. But it wasn't either of those, of course. It was something I couldn't imagine, that I would never imagine, because I couldn't be Margo." (122)

I can see that Q is thinking a lot about what happened the night before. He is very worried about why Margo didn't went to school that day and why her car ins't home either. I think because of what I read that he would want to be with Margo right now no matter where she is. Q is thinking a lot of Margo and I think he is in love with her. He is just thinking over and over again where she could be and everything that happened. 

"That night, I lay on my side, starring out the window into the invisible world outside. I kept trying to fall asleep, but then my eyes would dart open,just to check. I couldn't help but hope that MargoRoth Spiegelman would return to my window and drag my tired ass through one more night I'd never forget." (123)

Q is really open minded so he think that Margo is going to go to his home again and take him on another adventure even though he doesn't even know where she is. I know that when something good happens you're like yes this is going to happen again and you get like really high expectations. And like I always have high expectations so I can relate a lot. Everything is very detailed so I understand
it better, I also feel like I'm in the book when the author writes with a lot of details. It's clearly a night that he'll never forget because he said it there but also the way he is talking is very convincing.

In conclution I think that Q thinks that know he is like best friends with Margo now. I think that Margo is gone and that she is not coming back. I'm really enojing this book because it has like a lot of suspense and a lot of adventures. It's so interesting reading a book that you actually like, because you can also feel like you're part of the story. I like a lot how the writer writes the story and I also I am liking every chapter of the book.

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