The Missing
In the previous chapters they entered to sea world and they got into a moat and a garter snake bite Margo's leg. Security came and they kicked them out. They went home at 5:55 and Q went to sleep. That day Q thought that he would see Margo at school and that he would talk to her but Margo wasn't at school that day. When Q went home he saw that Margo's car wasn't there either.
"I cared too much about a day of school. And who even knew if it would be just a day for Margo. Maybe she was off on another three-day jaunt to Mississipi, or temporary joining the circus. But it wasn't either of those, of course. It was something I couldn't imagine, that I would never imagine, because I couldn't be Margo." (122)
"That night, I lay on my side, starring out the window into the invisible world outside. I kept trying to fall asleep, but then my eyes would dart open,just to check. I couldn't help but hope that MargoRoth Spiegelman would return to my window and drag my tired ass through one more night I'd never forget." (123)
In conclution I think that Q thinks that know he is like best friends with Margo now. I think that Margo is gone and that she is not coming back. I'm really enojing this book because it has like a lot of suspense and a lot of adventures. It's so interesting reading a book that you actually like, because you can also feel like you're part of the story. I like a lot how the writer writes the story and I also I am liking every chapter of the book.
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