lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

Mind full of ideas

Anne and her family moved to the Netherlands to escape from the persecution in Germany. Because of that Anne's family needed to hide somewhere so they hide with the van Daans which was another Jew family and a friend called Mr. Dussel. They hide in a secret annex that was in Anne's father office and they had enough food and drinks, Otto's Anne's father employees help them hide and they brought them the food and news from what was happening in the outside world. Anne didn't felt close to her sister Margot at all. Eventually Anne became friends with Peter van Daan a teenage boy who also was in the annex. 

"It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."

I can see that Anne is an open minded girl. But also she is quite shy, maybe her ideas are really goo but she isn't very self conscious. I think that is sad that she thinks that all her ideas are impossible to make. I think that she has a huge hard and is so intelligent saying that people are really good at heart. She has everything straight and that is really good. 

"I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that stills remains." 

Anne is so intelligent and she found a good side to everything. I think that part of this quote she is thinking of the people who weren't Jew and where doing all this stuff. She always sees the bright side of people and that is very smart. She is really open minded and she wants to learn a lot of things and also she sees the good thing of life every day. She has a lot of ideas that she doesn't want to share and I think she should share them.

This chapters were very interesting and I got to see Anne's perspective a little bit better. She is a really bright minded girl who always tries to see the good things in life no matter what the situation is. Also reading all this and analyzing y think that something is going on between Anne and Peter and something is going to happen in the next chapters. Anne is a very smart girl but she isn't so self conscious. She is so intelligent that I am really surprised.

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