lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015


On these last chapters Anne and Peter started liking each other more everyday. Peter's mother is jealous because Peter doesn't tell her things and he tells Anne instead. Anne is a little worried about the kiss with Peter she thinks she should not have kiss him instead. The guy who brought food was caught by the police and it was awful. It was Anne's birthday so know she is 15. 

"I think a lot but I don't say much." 

A feel connected to this quote because sometimes I think things but I don't say them out loud. I am a little bit like Anne and I think that my ideas may be wrong so most of the time I don't share them. Thinking is good because you are gaining knowledge for yourself but also you should share your feelings also so you can feel better. But they say that the wisest people are the one who don't talk a lot. Anne is a really understandable girl.

"As long as this exists, this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?"

This quote is so meaningful. This shows that you don't need nothing worth money to be happy. You can be happy just by seeing the sun rise or just lay down in your yard and see the clouds. Anne is going through a really difficult time but she is happy just by watching the clouds or the sun. We really aren't people that appreciate what's outside because of the technology and that stuff.

So we are finally getting to the end of the book. I am very sad that it is finishing and because I am imagining the ending. This book has taught me a lot of different things and how meaaningful life is. I am very happy that I chose this book because I think that sometimes ou needd a little reminder that your life isn't as bad as it seems. Just laugh at life.

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