viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

As I Dream It

In the end of this book Belly already went home and later on Christmas she recieved a text. It was Conrad and he told her to go down the street because he was waiting for her there. She went and it was late at nifght so everyone was sleeping so she had to be careful with everything and like it was cold outside she had to wear a hat her grandma had nited her. She saw Conrad and she was very happy she also realized that he quit smooking. THen they both say they loved each other and they were very happy.

“It's the imperfections that make things beautiful”

 This is so true because even though Belly and Conrad literally say they loved each other and it was the cutest moment ever it was in a car but the feeling is what counts. Sometimes the weirdest or the unexpected things are the ones who have more impact in our lifes and the best memories come from unexpexted things. I think that Belly had a lot of weird things through her life and also a lot of mixed feelings but at the end not everything was perfect or maybe it wasn't as she planned but she was very happy and that is what counts. Maybe she wited her whole life to be with Conrad and it doesn't matter how it went but for her was perfect. 

“He didn’t give me flowers or candy. He gave me the moon and the stars. Infinity.'

'This quote explains a lot how some people feel like they don't need material things to feel special or wanted they only need nice things that you can feel. I think that is better that people make you feel special by their actions or words because maybe they give you a lot of nice material things but then their money will be no longer there so they will stop and some people don't appreciate feelings or things like that. It's so important that you learn to value people by how they treat you and not by the things they give you. 

This book has been a really great book, I learned a lot of things. I liked how it was pretty much like reality in some cases and it was a great book. I think that I really spend my time really well reading this book because it was very interesting and I jist wanted to keep reading it. I would really recommend this book to anyone because you will learn a lot of valuable things. So yeah this was a great book and if it was a second part I will definitely read it.

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