domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

The First Wave

Cassie was a normal 16 year old girl, perfect life, perfect school, perfect family everything was okay for her except her love life. She was a pretty nice girl who didn't think that someday everything would fall apart not only for her but for the whole state or even for the whole world. It was a normal day when suddenly a huge black thing landed over the planet, they call them The Others. Prople started thinking these things as aliens but later they started realising that thses "aliens" started living in human bodies. These creatures started doing bad things for all the planet, they made an electromagnetic crash, people started getting sick and they literally started bleeding out from every part of their body and a lot of worse thing, people didn't had water or food and the necessary things for living.

"And humans think. They plan. They dream, and they make the dream real." (72)

Humans are lets say one of the "wisest" creatures on earth, sure there are dogs and other animals or living things but humans are very intelligent when they want to be. Humans think a lot and when a human being proposed to do something and put a lot of effort he can do that and much more. "If you can dream, it you can do it" (Walt Disney) this is a very good quote because is true if you put effort and you have inner strenght someday maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but someday you can achieve your dream and even better or harder things. In the book humans are very intelliugent or at least some of them but lets think... aliens are invading them and aliens are also very intelligwnt creatures I don't know why bnut they really are and that may be affecting humans to thing more deeper into things. We can do anything we want just with a little bit of effort and just saying "Yes I can do this".

"There was s lot of shouting and running around, people grabbing guns, waving their hats and shirts or just spazzing in general: crying, jumping, hugging, high-fiving one another." (102)

I have a connection with this quote because everytime something good happends in our lives we do a lot of these things ans even more things because we just can't control what we do when we are happy. I think that the worl would be a beter place if just a lot of people were happy or if people would celebrate other people acievements that way everyone could be happy and not just for them but also for other people. We need to start feeling greatful that people around us are succesful intead of being jealous when something good happens to someone we knoe or even a friend. The world could change just by one person doing this change so the change starts by you. Be grateful for what you have and celebrate other people someday that will come back to you. 

I learned a lot from these last chapter because I found very good quotes and that made me realize a lot of things and I'm happy for that. This book is really interesting and I think that in the end everyone would be together again and these aliens are flying back to their planet or maybe not... I like this kind of books because I want to keep reading them and that is good because  that way I don't get bored and I can take advantage of it because not only I'm getting better in my reading skills and that kind of stuff but I'm also enjoying the book. Now I like to read a lot when it comes to dystopian novel or books like that because they entretain me a lot. I like to read a klot more know sometimes in my free time I read and I think that is a huge inprovement when in the past month I think want to even look at words. 

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