viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

New Crush

In the last cha[pters Belly went to a party that this kid macde very year but the past years she wasn't old enough to go but this year was different. She went and she didn't know anyone so she just sat there and she saw that this boy was watching her so she went next to him and they started talking and they realized they had a lot of things in common. Later they started hanging put and they were a happy couple except all the boys were worried about Belly and her new relationship. They did't trust this boy so they weren't happy with this new relationship. But the important things was that Belly was happy with him.

"I loved the feeling of talking and having somebody really listen to what I have to say. It was like a high or something."

This quote is so true, I love the feeling of having someone to talk to everyday or just tell them the silliest thing. Belly is so lucky becuase a lot of people just have fake friends and then never realize that until the end. She is very lucky to find somebody who swear to you that was going to be always there for her and prove it. It feels really great having somebody to talk about everything and you feel like they care. Belly is so lucky and I think that it doesn't really matter what the boys think as long as she is happy. 
“I will never look at you in the same way ever again. I'll never be that girl again. The girl who comes running back every time you push her away, the girl who loves you anyway.”

When someone dosen't apriciate what someone do for them, they will get hurt and even though they think the other is really important or even love them they will eventually get tierd of doing nice things and see that the other one isn't worth it. You have to be nice to everyone so the others repect you and like you,  and see which persons are going to return all of your love given to them. 

I am finally getting to the end of the book and I am really exited. I liked this book a lot and I can't wait to finish it. This last chapters help me realize that sometimes the only thing you need in life is a really good person who wants to listen to you and is always there for you. I really feel identifies with a lot of things of this book especially the quotes that I've picked. This is a really great book and I recommend it. 

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