miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Finally Happines

Hazel and Agustus read a book called An Imperial Affliction and she has always wanted to contact he author to know more about what happens in the end, but she never could. Agustus  reaches his assistant and then Pete Van Hauten (author) which causes Hazel to start falling deeply in love with Agustus. The more they talk the more feelings they have for each other, and start having inside jokes or things like Ok? Ok. Peter Van Hauten invites them to Amsterdam and at the beginning they thought it wouldn't be possible because of Hazel's cancer but then they find a way to make it happen.

This is what I read that Hazel  and Agustus were going to Amsterdam

"I'm a grenade" I said again. "I just want to stay away from people" (Green 99)

 Hazel says she is a grenade saying that she will explode and destroy everything around her. What she is trying to say is that when she dies everyone around her will be destroyed.  This is why she says she wants to stay away from people, because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. I admire her because this shows she is completely selfless and she thinks about others before herself.

 "  It occurred to me that the reason my parents had no money was me. I'd sapped the 

family savings with Phalanxifor copays, and Mom couldn't work because she had taken on the full-time profession of Hovering Over Me." (Green 79)
Hazel is feeling a lot of guilt because her parents don't have so much money and she thinks it is her fault. This shows the reader how her sickness is getting to her head and making her feel bad. I can see she is entering a phase in her life where she is blaming herself fr everything bad going on.  I think this is very bad for her because she is feeling bad for something that is not her fault or her choice. This will either make hazel stronger or destroy her.

This chapters were way better than the last  ones because much more interesting things happened. Agustus and Hazel are going to Amsterdam and I infer many things will happen between them.   There were already feeling between them but in these chapters the real thing started. I am looking forward to reading what will happen next in their relationship and hoping something big happens. I think the next chapters will be better because now I am sure they will end up together.

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