martes, 25 de agosto de 2015



On the previous chapters of Paper Towns Margo's parents called a detective to see if he can find Margo but she's already 18 so they can't do anything about it, Margo's parents and the detective went to Q's house to see if he knew were Margo was or if he knew something. Q saw that in the back of the curtain was a poster and he remembered that Margo's parents told them that sometimes she leave clues so Q Ben and Radar went to Margo's house to investigate. They went to Margo's house and they thought that it was another clue on the door so they brought tools so they can disarm the door and see if it's something there. Q thpught it was a good idea to disarm his door to see if he found something, so he went to the garage to get tools and he actually found a paper with an adress on it.

""Clues," Mr. Spiegelman said, standing up now. The detective had placed the flolder on the table, and Margo's dad leaned forward to look at it with him. "Clues everywere. The day she ran away to Mississipi, she ate alphabet soup and left exactly four letters in her soup bowl: an M, an I, an S, and a P. She was disappointed when we didn't piece it together, although as I told her when she finally returned: "How can we find you when all we know is Mississipi? It"s a big state Margo!"" (135)

One thing that I really don't understand is why Margo's parents aren't worried about Margo. I understand that she has runed away plenty of times but they are her parents and most of the time parents care about their children. They are just like okay she runed away she's already eighteen she
can do whatever she wants but what is she's been in an accident or something, I really find this very pointless. Something that I find that was nice of them was that they realized when Margo left those clues even though they didn't basically found out what it was they now know that she leaves clues. I think that they don't pay much attention to Margo so she runs away often.

"I showered and brushed my teeth and put on dark jeans and a plain black T-shirt. I put Margo's scrap of newspaper in my pocket. I hammered the pins back into their hinges, and then packed. I didn't really know what to throw into my backpack, but I included the doorjamb-opening screwdriver, a printout of the satellite map, directions. a bottle of water, and in case she was there, the Whitman. I wanted to ask her about it." (181)

Something that I found that was really sweet was that Q went to find Margo. He like did't had any reasons to go but he did anyway. He is really brave going to look for Margo because he really doesn't
know where she is or if she is in a dangerous place. He shows that he really cares about Margo and that someday they could be something. Also that he is ditching school so he can go find her.

I think that in the next chapters they aren't going to find Margo. Maybe this time she really has runed away for good, she's already eighteen so basically she didn't run away but she already left and she want to live on a different place that is not a paper town. I still find very nice that Q is going to look for her even though he doesn't know the dangers that can be there. I think that I would do the same as Margo did if my parents treated me the way Margo's parents treat her. And I really admire Q and his friends for doing what they are doing. 

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

The Missing

The Missing

In the previous chapters they entered to sea world and they got into a moat and a garter snake bite Margo's leg. Security came and they kicked them out. They went home at 5:55 and Q went to sleep. That day Q thought that he would see Margo at school and that he would talk to her but Margo wasn't at school that day. When Q went home he saw that Margo's car wasn't there either.

"I cared too much about a day of school. And who even knew if it would be just a day for Margo. Maybe she was off on another three-day jaunt to Mississipi, or temporary joining the circus. But it wasn't either of those, of course. It was something I couldn't imagine, that I would never imagine, because I couldn't be Margo." (122)

I can see that Q is thinking a lot about what happened the night before. He is very worried about why Margo didn't went to school that day and why her car ins't home either. I think because of what I read that he would want to be with Margo right now no matter where she is. Q is thinking a lot of Margo and I think he is in love with her. He is just thinking over and over again where she could be and everything that happened. 

"That night, I lay on my side, starring out the window into the invisible world outside. I kept trying to fall asleep, but then my eyes would dart open,just to check. I couldn't help but hope that MargoRoth Spiegelman would return to my window and drag my tired ass through one more night I'd never forget." (123)

Q is really open minded so he think that Margo is going to go to his home again and take him on another adventure even though he doesn't even know where she is. I know that when something good happens you're like yes this is going to happen again and you get like really high expectations. And like I always have high expectations so I can relate a lot. Everything is very detailed so I understand
it better, I also feel like I'm in the book when the author writes with a lot of details. It's clearly a night that he'll never forget because he said it there but also the way he is talking is very convincing.

In conclution I think that Q thinks that know he is like best friends with Margo now. I think that Margo is gone and that she is not coming back. I'm really enojing this book because it has like a lot of suspense and a lot of adventures. It's so interesting reading a book that you actually like, because you can also feel like you're part of the story. I like a lot how the writer writes the story and I also I am liking every chapter of the book.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

Were it all begins

Were it all begings

In the previews chapters of papertowns Margo found out that his boyfiend Jase was cheating on her with one of her best friends. Margo went to Quentins house and she told him that she needed his car because she had some things to do. So Margo took out a list of things that they had to buy before they went on the adventure. They went to the houses of the people that Margo was upset with and do a lot of stuff with all the things they bought before. At the end of the chapters they were at the last floor of a building seeing all the city likeit was made of paper that's why Margo called it a paper town.
"Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting." (43).

 I really liked this quote I found that it was very well structured. I think that is also a bit confusing but after reading it right you understand it. I also feel that with this one day I would like to do like it says there right a lot of wrongs and wrong a lot of rights. It's very interesting to see how the author played with the words but he also made it very easy to understand. 

"It's a paper town. I mean look at it, Q: look at all those cul-de-sacs, those streets that turn in on themselves, all the houses that were built to fall apart. All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm. All the paper kids drinking beer some bum bought for them at the paper conveniece store. Everyone demented with the mania of owning things. All the things paper-thin and paper-frail. And all the people, too. I've lived here for eighteen years and i have never once in my life come across anyone who cares about anything that matters." (79)

I think this is my favorite quote of all times, that I have read and analyzed. I think that is very true how now this days people care more about what brand of clothing you use or how big is your house instead of how nice of a person you are. People also worry about things that don't really matter instead of things that do matter. Or people are with people just because of popularity but you should
really stop worrying about pointless things and pointless drama and go find your true bff someone who you can be yourself with and don't worry because you'll know she will never talk bad about you behind your back. So yeah some people should really get a brain wash and face the real world.

So far I'm really liking this book it's very interesting to see on how many adventures they are going in the future. I'm enjoying it and i think that is very important that you enjoy the book you are reading because it will be more fun and you actually want to read it. Margo is an open minded girl and I like that. One of the most interesting things is that is all about adventure and I love that. I'm looking forward to finishing the book.