miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

The end

Hazel suffered a lot because of Agustus' death, she feels it is the worst pain she has ever felt.   She goes to his funeral and she said something different than what she had prepared to say. Hazel realized the funeral is not for the person who is dead, it is for the living so she chose to say what she thought people would like to hear instead of what she felt.  Peter Van Hauten (author of "An Imperial Affliction") went to the funeral to give Hazel a letter Agustus had told him to give her. Since she was hurt she was very rude to him and didn't know the letter he gave him was from Agustus but she read it in her house. The letter said many beautiful things and gave Hazel strength to be happy.

I read this quote on Pinterest and all I could think of was this book.

"She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her.  " (Green 313)

This is one of the things Agustus said in the letter he told Van Hauten to give to Hazel after his death. This shows that he was so in love with her, he could stare at her the whole day and wouldn't get tired. When Hazel read this I bet she had a huge smile on her face while at the same time many tears. She loved him a lot but what he felt for her was more than anyone could ever feel. I think if she wouold have died instead of him he would have killed himself. This quote proves their love was real and even if Agustus is ded he will love her forever.

" You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices, I hope she likes hers. " (Green 313)

This quote is also something Agustus said in the letter hazel got. It showed me that he was so happy for meeting Hazel and becoming a part of her life. He would never regret being with her and every choice he made that had to do with her. What he is also trying to say was that people choose who they get hurt by and, was hazel okay with being hurt by Agustus?

Even if this was a very sad and unexpected ending I enjoyed every single part of the book. The characters don't end up together, but they lived moments they will never forget.Hazel will always love Agustus and he will always love her, and when she dies they will be together forever. This book taught me a big lesson which was to enjoy all the time with your loved ones because unexpected things can happen. 

Getting Through

Agustus and Hazel leave Amsterdam and go back home very sad because of his terminal cancer. They know he will die soon so they are taking advantage of every minute of their time together and doing very fun and crazy things. Agustus was at the gas station when he got very sick and almost died,  he didnt want to go to the hospital but still Hazel took him. They are both very depressed bcause they know everything is getting to the end. Agustus, Hazel and  Isaac do a fake funeral for Agustus because he wanted to attend to it before he dies, so they write things they would say at his funeral. After eight days in the middle of the night Hazel gets a phone call from Agustus'  mom saying he died.

This quote made me think about Hazel and made me understand a little of how she felt.

"Last time, I imagined myself as the kid. This time, the skeleton." (Green 233)
Agustus said this when he and Hazel where in a park in which there was a big skeleton in which kids played in. He said this a few days before he died and it shows how depressed he was. I always saw Agustus as someone who didn't gave up but this quote proves that he did. It shows that he just knows he will die soon and the got over the fact he can not do anything about it,.

"Every second worse than the last. I just kept thinking about calling him, wondering what would happen, if anyone would answer." (Green 262)

 This quote shows hoe much pain Hazel is in. It also shows how loss feels and how from one moment to another a person is gone forever without turning back. How all the memories stay in your heart but you wont ever make anymore with that person and it is just all gone. I see that she feels like it is not real, like it is not happening until she realizes he is gone. She is going through a lot of pain and this quote proves how much she loved him and it hurts.

To be honest I was not expecting he would die in such short time. The last chapters I read, said he had terminal cancer but I really thought he would find a way to make it through. When I read he died I was hoping it was a dream or Hazel's imagination. I just could not believe what was happening or why it did, I could imagine how she felt aftershe found out. I am not looking forward to the next chapters because I feel that when he died the story is over and nothing worse can happen.

Happines is not forever

Hazel and Agustus had agreed to be just friends but since they now they are going to Amsterdam things are changing and their love is coming back. They go together to see the city as if it were a date, and they are falling harder for each other. Hazel and Agustus meet Peter Van Houten but he behaves very rude and they find out it was never him who answered their letters, it was his secretary trying to be nice. They both are very mad and upset about him because they really thought he was different, so they just continue their trip as planned and ignored him. Agustus tells Hazel his Cancer is back and it is all over his body so he will die soon. 

This image means "Life is unfair" and that is what I thought when Agustus told Hazel he has cancer all over his body.

"It's a metaphor, I explained. "He puts the killing thing in his mouth but doesn't give it the power to kill him." (Green 146)

This quote shows that Agustus is a very intelligent person and Hazel is too because she understands him a lot. In this quote Hazel is explaining Agustus' metaphor to why he put a cigarette in his mouth but never lights it.They both understand each other so well and that makes them perfect for each other. This quote also  shows  that they are very poetic and their life is full on metaphors which makes it more interesting.

"He smiled. Gallows humor . "I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up," he said. (Green 218)

This is what Agustus told Hazel after he gave her the news that his body was full of cancer again. It shows a lot of Agustus' personality and shows his positivity and courage. I can see how even if he knows he will die soon he wants to enjoy life. Agustus is aware that the time he has alive is very short but he wants to live it with positive vibes. All these good energy is also transfered to Hazel which makes her be stronger.

To be honest I was not expecting everything that happened at the end of these chapters. When I started reading them I thought everything was getting only better and it was never going to get worse again. It was all full of happiness because everything was perfect between Hazel and Agustus but at the end everything gets destroyed. I am not really looking forward to what will happen because now I have clear that Agustus will die.  

Finally Happines

Hazel and Agustus read a book called An Imperial Affliction and she has always wanted to contact he author to know more about what happens in the end, but she never could. Agustus  reaches his assistant and then Pete Van Hauten (author) which causes Hazel to start falling deeply in love with Agustus. The more they talk the more feelings they have for each other, and start having inside jokes or things like Ok? Ok. Peter Van Hauten invites them to Amsterdam and at the beginning they thought it wouldn't be possible because of Hazel's cancer but then they find a way to make it happen.

This is what I read that Hazel  and Agustus were going to Amsterdam

"I'm a grenade" I said again. "I just want to stay away from people" (Green 99)

 Hazel says she is a grenade saying that she will explode and destroy everything around her. What she is trying to say is that when she dies everyone around her will be destroyed.  This is why she says she wants to stay away from people, because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. I admire her because this shows she is completely selfless and she thinks about others before herself.

 "  It occurred to me that the reason my parents had no money was me. I'd sapped the 

family savings with Phalanxifor copays, and Mom couldn't work because she had taken on the full-time profession of Hovering Over Me." (Green 79)
Hazel is feeling a lot of guilt because her parents don't have so much money and she thinks it is her fault. This shows the reader how her sickness is getting to her head and making her feel bad. I can see she is entering a phase in her life where she is blaming herself fr everything bad going on.  I think this is very bad for her because she is feeling bad for something that is not her fault or her choice. This will either make hazel stronger or destroy her.

This chapters were way better than the last  ones because much more interesting things happened. Agustus and Hazel are going to Amsterdam and I infer many things will happen between them.   There were already feeling between them but in these chapters the real thing started. I am looking forward to reading what will happen next in their relationship and hoping something big happens. I think the next chapters will be better because now I am sure they will end up together.

The Fault in our Stars

In this blog I will talk about the book TheFault in Our Stars by John Green.

Hazel Grace  is a 17 year old girl who has lung cancer and she is know starting to have depressions because of her sickness. She feels like she can't live a teenage normal life, so her mom decides to enroll her in a support group for people with cancer. She goes to the support group and everyone shares their experiences about cancer and she meets Agustus Waters, who no longer has cancer but lost a leg because of it. Hazel also meets Isaac who has cancer in his eyes and will soon become completely blind, but he is happy because he loves his girlfriend Monica and says they will be together forever. Agustus and Hazel start hanging out and they are falling in love with each other. Isaac is broken hearted because his girlfriend broke up with him just because he was now completely blind, but Hazel and Agustus are helping him to feel better and get over it.

When I read Agustus and Hazel are hanging out with eachother this is what I thought.

"I went to Support Group for the same reason that I'd once allowed nurses with a mere eighteen months of graduate education to poison me with exotically named chemicals: I wanted to make my parents happy. " (Green 7)

This quote shows that Hazel has a huge heart and is not selfish at all. Even if she doesn't want to go to the support group she goes because that is what will make her parents happy. She is always looking out for them and that shows what a selfless person she is. Even if what they want sometimes makes the little time she has alive less awesome, she still does it for them.

"Everyone was so kind. Strong, too. In the darkest days, the Lord puts the best people into your life." ( Green 28)

This is Agustus' dad's quote of encouragement when his son had cancer. I think this shows that they are all very religious people and they think thanks to God Agustus has no longer cancer. I think this shows that Agustus' family is so thankful that he is still alive and they always remind him that. You can also see they have very clear who are the best people in their lives.

I found this first four chapters very interesting and entertaining. I feel like this story is so real and I can't stop reading it. I predict they will end up together and they  will be happy and Hazel's cancer will get cured. I really want to keep reading this book because i know it will get more interesting. I am looking forward to the next chapters hoping Hazel and Agustus' relationship is definitive.