domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015

New Beginning

New Beginning

Q and his friends realized that there were more clued so they went with the wish of finding Margo. All the food they take were energizing bars so they were very tired and they spend like twelve hours in the car so they were very tired. They drove day and night just to find Margo. On the hour 24 they finally found Margo. They were very happy because they finally founf Margo but she decided to stay in there because she was tired of the paper town and all the paper people and the paper stuff.

"She tries to turn away from me, but I grab her shoulders and hold her in front on me and say, "Did you ever think about what your leaving meant? About Ruthie? About me or Lacey or any of other people who cared about you? No. Of course you didn't. Because if it doesn't happen to you. it doen't happen at all. Isn't that it, Margo? Isn't?"" (373)

I really find that Q freaked out here because he thinks Margo is just thinking in her. I understand that Q is like this because he did all that was posible so he can just find Margo even though they weren't anything not even related. I don't really think that Margo was selfish when she left because she felt
like she wasn't being part of that world. Q is a really brave man after everything he did for Margo he deserves someone who will treat him well. I do relate to this Qoute because sometime I feel like I'm being selfish.

"I think the future deserves our faith. But it is hard to argue with Emily Dickinson. Margo stands up, slings her backpack over one shoulder, and reaches her hand down for me. "Let's take a walk." as we're walking outside, Margo asks for my phone. She punches in a number, and I start to walk away to let her talk, but she grabs my forearm and keeps me with her. So I walk before her out into the field as she talks to her parents." (388)

First of all I found very nice that Margo called her parents. I love how she is there with Q and she like takes him with her and all that stuff. She takes Q's hand and I think he would be really happy because after all he did for her she is treating her really well so I like that. I honestly think they would be the perfect couple of all times. Q is the cutest guy ever.

I loved this book so much, it's like the best book i've read. I loved everything about it and I would read it again without thinking twice. Everything is well structured and I love that. The characters are awesome and I feel like I'm in the book. 

Looking for answers

Looking for answers

Q and his friends went to find Margo and they arrived to an address that Margo left. There was a building, they said that the building smelled really bad, like death and they thought Margo was dead, they thought the paper she left was a suicide note. They found more clues so they had more ideas on where she could be. They arrived to an office and Q started searching in every desk in that office trying to find something but he didn't. Q sarted realizing who Margo felt when she wasn't doing what she wants and he realized that she felt empty.

"But hadn't I been trying to do this? I looked up at the maps above my computer. I had tried to plot her posible travels, but just as the grass stood for too much, so Margo stood for too much. It seemed impossible to pin her down with maps. She was too small and the space covered by the maps too big. They were more than a waste of time- they were the physical representation of the total fruitlessness of all of it, my absolute inability to develop the kinds of palms that cover continents, to have the kind of mind the correctly imagines. " (285)

I think that Quentin is has really high expectations about finding Margo. But also he has tried everyway and she just is not going to appear. He is so worried about Margo and you can tell that just by the way he expresess. I think that Q is really worried about Margo because he has feelings for her. It's so nice of him looking for her and doing all this just to find her.

"There were two unripped dots: one looked like Los Angeles, although there were a bunch of towns clustered so close together in Shouthern California that the type overlapped. The other unripped was over Chicago. There was a ripped one in New York that, judging from the location of the hole in the wall, was one of the five boroughs of New York City." (290)

Quentin is looking at every possibility to find her or at least that's my point of view. He is looking and analyzing everything that he can just for Margo and I find that is very cute that he is doing that. Margo could be anywere in the world right now but he is keeping faith and I find that very cute. I honestly don't think I would to that  for someone, maybe for the one I love but I don't really know. Q would be a really nice boyfriend and I think he would help Margo with everything.

In conclution I really liked this chapter. It shows how much Q worries about Margo and how faithful he is about founding her. I think that in the next chapters they are going to fin Margo and they will be very happy especially Q. I'm loving this book so far and I think it will be one of my favorites. Even though the chapters are long they are very interesting so you won't get bored. I'm looking forward to finish this book and I'm almost there.