"Laurel was so close Emma could smell her lemony shampoo. Her shoulders were square and strong. Her broad hands curled at her sides. All at once Emma was transported back to the awful night in Charlotte's house when someone had grabbed her from behind and nearly killed her."(99)
One night Emma thought that Sutton's murderer had tried to kill her and she freaked out. Later on when she was close to Laurel she felt the same as that night amd for a moment she thought Laurel was Sutton's murderer. Later on she realized that Laurel was at Nisha's house the night Sutton died.
"A final team shot was pinned in the corner of the bulletin board, overlapping other photos as if it had been hastily stuck there."
When Emma saw this picture she realized that none of her big suspects were Sutton's killer. She kind of felt relieve when she saw that Laurel was in that picture. But the big question stepped in, who was Sutton's murderer?

In conlusion I think that is a good thing that Emma start discarding Sutton's possible murderers, that way she can get to the real one easily. Emma had all this questions because she didn't know were her friends were that day and we still need to find out were Charlotte was that night but Emma is sure she is not Sutton's killer. I think that the killer is the person we don't imagine at all. In the next chapters Emma will still be investigating this murder and we will finally find out who is the murderer.
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