domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

A boy who might just killed me...

As it turned out to be the Twitter twins weren't Suttons killers... They put a huge prank on Emma and there is when she realized they had nothing to do with Sutton's death. Later on Emma and Ethan finally said what they felt for eachother and they were finally together. Thayer camed back... and Sutton was sure he was her killer, she wanted to warn Emma about him but she couldn't, she just hoped nothing would happen to her.

“She could handle just one twitter twin. Right ? Wrong, I thought. Emma was going into the dessert at night with one of my killers, and I had no idea if she’d be coming out again.” (260)

As you see Sutton is narrating the story and she is worried that one of the Twitter twins would kill her sister. She is positive the Twitter twins killed her but I don’t think they did.

“A boy I might have once loved. A boy I was now almost certain I couldn’t trust. A boy who might have killed me.” (308)

Sutton as the narrator is almost sure Thayer her “secret boyfriend” might have killed her. She wanted to worn Emma but she just couldn’t…

I always had a thought that the Twitter twins weren't Suttons killers. But I never thought Thayer could be. I really recommend this book to people who like suspense. This was a great book and I never imagined Thayer could be Sutton's killer. So now is your turn to read and enjoy it.

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016

Almost there

On the last chapters Emma thought it was time to get Sutton's car so she saked Layrel to take her but she couln't. The Twitter twins appeard there aand they offered to take Emma to get her car but Emma was freaking out the entire way. When they arrived Emma wnt to ask for her car but they told her that she had already went and took the car out, so she imagined that it was Sutton and that he Twitter twins took Sutton there too. She was freaking out but she went with it later on was Homecoming dance and she had no date so she went alone with the purpose of checking on the Twitter twins.

"Emma's fingers started to fly, too, calling up their private accounts. But only an error message appeared. This page does not exist." (229)

Emma found that the Twitter twins had other Twitter accounts and they only used that one to talk or "tweet" each other. This was one of the only ways Emma could be aware of the things they were planning. But suddenly when they were all on charlotte's house she tried their usernames and it said that the page does no longer exist, Emma was freaked and she didn't know what to do. 

"Emma looked into Madeline's bright blue eyes, touched. Sutton's friends might not be perfect, but they were loyal." (236)

Emma has finally bound with Sutton's friends and she is noticing that they really are real friends, they keep each other's back and they are always there for each other. Nobody is perfect but is difficult to find a loyal friend, only us lucky ones have been able to find that special friend. 

I can't wait to finish the book and see who is Sutton's killer. I don't think the twins are the killers because they would have said something before and they haven't said something that big. Emma found great friends but I don't know how are they going to act when Emma tell them that she is not Sutton and she is her twin sister. I can't wait to finish the book.

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

The truth is out

Emma was a good student so she started getting good grades and Sutton's parents where impressed their "daughter" finally got good grades. Because of this good grades they decided to let Emma go to Homecoming and after to their camping thing. Tehy also told the real story about what had happpened at the train trails that night and it came out to be that Gabby had a seizure because of how scared she was. Sutton threat Lily and she told her that if she ever said one word about what really happened that noght she will end with her and her sister and they will be high school freaks and no one would ever like them again. Later some of the things made sense when that night Sutton recieved a message from Lily saying that if something happened to her sister she will kill her.

"Emma tried to laugh along, too, but Lili's words changed in her mind. You're so good at this. Keep up the good work. She was almost positive Lili's voice had a sinister edge, an unspoken subtext: Keep with the good work... of being Sutton." (142)

Emma has some serious thoughts on Gaby and Lili being Sutton's murderers. Everytime they talk to Emma she gets a weird feeling and they throw weird things at her like " we know you aren't Sutton" or at least that's what Emma thinks.

"Cars swish by us on the highway. Some slow down and gawk, curious about the ambulance lights and the girls lying in the underpass, but no one stops. Tears stream down Lili's face. She spins toward me, her eyes on fire. "I can't believe you did this to her!" "I didn't do anything!" I scream through a clenched jaw." (184)

Sutton was very worried in this moment because Gabby was having a Seizure because of the big scare they just had and it was Sutton's fault. In that moment she didn't know what to think or how to act.

I think that Sutton had al the right to be as scared as she was because in reality all this was her fault wasn't it? I also think that Lili didn't do anything to Sutton because she said that she will if something happened to her sister but nothing really happened so I think she didn't kill her. Gabby and Lili are really weird and like mean but no one really takes them serious and maybe that's why they hated Sutton because everyone liked her. I don't think that Lili and Gabby really know Emma is in Sutton's place right now, maybe she thinks that because she is really paranoid, 

martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

Truth, truth, truth

Emma thought on a great idea, why not steal something so she could get caught and go to the police stattion and take a look at her police reports to see what exactly Sutton has done over the years. Emma found that Sutton did something really bad that the "Twitter twins" didn't like so they had this "thing" on Sutton and Emma though they could be the murderers. Later on Emma start discarding possible murders starting by her best friends and later realizing that neither did her sister. Every time she gets closser to finding Sutton's murderer by realizing a lot of people were together that night, she just needs to take a closser look to everything.

"Laurel was so close Emma could smell her lemony shampoo. Her shoulders were square and strong. Her broad hands curled at her sides. All at once Emma was transported back to the awful night in Charlotte's house when someone had grabbed her from behind and nearly killed her."(99)

One night Emma thought that Sutton's murderer had tried to kill her and she freaked out. Later on when she was close to Laurel she felt the same as that night amd for a moment she thought Laurel was Sutton's murderer. Later on she realized that Laurel was at Nisha's house the night Sutton died.

"A final team shot was pinned in the corner of the bulletin board, overlapping other photos as if it had been hastily stuck there."

When Emma saw this picture she realized that none of her big suspects were Sutton's killer. She kind of felt relieve when she saw that Laurel was in that picture. But the big question stepped in, who was Sutton's murderer?

In conlusion I think that is a good thing that Emma start discarding Sutton's possible murderers, that way she can get to the real one easily. Emma had all this questions because she didn't know were her friends were that day and we still need to find out were Charlotte was that night but Emma is sure she is not Sutton's killer. I think that the killer is the person we don't imagine at all. In the next chapters Emma will still be investigating this murder and we will finally find out who is the murderer. 

Truth, truth, truth

Emma thought on a great idea, why not steal something so she could get caught and go to the police stattion and take a look at her police reports to see what exactly Sutton has done over the years. Emma found that Sutton did something really bad that the "Twitter twins" didn't like so they had this "thing" on Sutton and Emma though they could be the murderers. Later on Emma start discarding possible murders starting by her best friends and later realizing that neither did her sister. Every time she gets closser to finding Sutton's murderer by realizing a lot of people were together that night, she just needs to take a closser look to everything.

"Laurel was so close Emma could smell her lemony shampoo. Her shoulders were square and strong. Her broad hands curled at her sides. All at once Emma was transported back to the awful night in Charlotte's house when someone had grabbed her from behind and nearly killed her."(99)

One night Emma thought that Sutton's murderer had tried to kill her and she freaked out. Later on when she was close to Laurel she felt the same as that night amd for a moment she thought Laurel was Sutton's murderer. Later on she realized that Laurel was at Nisha's house the night Sutton died.

"A final team shot was pinned in the corner of the bulletin board, overlapping other photos as if it had been hastily stuck there."

When Emma saw this picture she realized that none of her big suspects were Sutton's killer. She kind of felt relieve when she saw that Laurel was in that picture. But the big question stepped in, who was Sutton's murderer?

In conlusion I think that is a good thing that Emma start discarding Sutton's possible murderers, that way she can get to the real one easily. Emma had all this questions because she didn't know were her friends were that day and we still need to find out were Charlotte was that night but Emma is sure she is not Sutton's killer. I think that the killer is the person we don't imagine at all. In the next chapters Emma will still be investigating this murder and we will finally find out who is the murderer.